Undergraduate Majors

With more than 40 majors to choose from, our curriculum offers you unparalleled opportunity to pick your path and find the right fit for you, whether you’re interested in Natural Sciences and Mathematics or Social Sciences, or Humanities like History and English are more your style. 

Many of our majors also offer opportunities for internships and co-ops both locally and nationally, study abroad and service learning, where you make real-world impact on your community.

If you’re not sure which major is right for you, you’re not alone. Many incoming students aren’t sure with path is the right one—which may be why many of our first-year students choose our Exploratory Studies Program. Through Exploratory Studies, you’ll learn more about what each major has to offer, and whether it’s right for you. 

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Why study Digital Engagement?

The Digital Engagement Certificate is designed to give students a theoretical understanding and practical experience in the area of digital technology engagement, integrating technological skills and knowledge with digital literacy and digital competency.

Career Possibilities

The need for professionals competent in both technology and communication is growing, particularly in the fields of public relations and digital engagement. Successful digital engagement is driven by a strong understanding of what makes a powerful narrative and how it is best repeated across audiences leveraging digital platforms; i.e. how to tell a story using words, images, or audio and an understanding of how to create content that draws an audience. In order to accomplish this, professionals must have knowledge and expertise in audience research and data mining, skills in writing and visual communication, an understanding of the impact of mediated communication, and technical skills such as web and mobile development.  This combination of skills and knowledge has become an expectation of many traditional communication positions.  Fortune 500 Chief Communication Officers report that hiring staff with skills in digital PR, storytelling and writing is a top priority (Chief Communications Officer’s Role Expands as Social Media Threat Grows, PR News, 2015).  This certificate allows students to increase their understanding and skills in these areas into a knowledge base well suited for careers within a wide range of IT and digital perspectives.   

Admission Requirements

Students already pursuing a degree in any college at UC can add the certificate to their program. Be sure to submit a declaration of the certificate program using our certificate declaration form.

In addition, you must meet with the program director so that they are aware that you are pursuing the certificate and can advise you appropriately. Do this early enough to avoid delay in obtaining your certificate.

Students not currently pursuing a degree at UC may declare the certificate after establishing non-matriculated status.


The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Quick Facts

CERT2 in Digital Engagement

Full-Time Program Duration

2.0 Years


West Campus

Interest Areas:


Computers & Technology

Social Science


2800 Clifton Ave.
4234A Clifton Court Hall
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0184
Phone: (513) 556-4440
Certificate Director