Three images side by side, first showing a snail, the second showing a luminescient flower, and third showing the cosmos

Center for Public Engagement with Science

The Center for Public Engagement with Science at the University of Cincinnati works to expand and enrich the interface between science and the public to benefit all stakeholders. The Center is housed in the College of Arts & Sciences and is directed by Angela Potochnik in the Philosophy Department.

A circle created by connecting three arrows end to point to indicate a three phased cycle that repeats
  • Fostering engagement with science
    by connecting the university to community partners and the public
  • Improving quality of science engagement
    by promoting dialogue among and benefit for all stakeholders
  • Innovating forms of science engagement
    by drawing on philosophy and other humanities, natural and social sciences, and science education

Attend an event, get involved in a project, or support the Center's work.
For more information, visit or email